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“Our team will carry out a gap analysis of your systems or processes, and provide a gap-analysis report against the standard you wish to be certified for.

The report will typically provide remedial measures to meet the standard, that may include documenting processes, risk assessment, staff training and infrastructure/equipment improvement or renovations.

Assistance will be provided with these preparations, up to the external audit itself.

Key for preparing for an external certification audit, is to ensure the internal audit(s) is performed, findings addressed and discussed during a management review, and records kept. This will greatly improve the chances of a successful certification audit.

Experience from the Pacific Islands is that most businesses do not have documented processes or procedures. Hence, this is where our Technical Writers can work with clients to put their “voices” into their policies and procedures, so as to take ownership and ensure effective implementation.

Ultimately, the result of the external audit, whether it be ISO9001 or HACCP or Organic, depends on the clients’ level of commitment. We’ve had clients obtain certification in a matter of months, as their customers made it mandatory for suppliers.

Our approach is not to provide a one-size fit all solution, but provide an experience where the client is adequately involved from day one. This we’ve found, provides long lasting compliance and financial pay-back for the client.

For example, a HACCP client in Tonga, was pleasantly surprised, when into just 2 years of being certified, that the level of wastage had dramatically decreased. This was because he had the systems in place, and the data to show him his performance over time.

The best was being able to systematize his business, with documented procedures and trained staff, where it could run on “auto-pilot”. Meaning, he had more time for family and other activities”

These standards include:

  1. Codex HACCP 2020 Food Safety
  2. Organic USDA NOP
  3. ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Systems
  4. ISO22716: 2007 Good Manufacturing Practices
  5. ISO45001 Occupational Health & Safety
  6. Safety Management Systems (SMS)

Benefits of being certified to International Standards:

  1. New export market access
    (HACCP is mandatory for key commercial markets)
  2.  Preferred supplier status
  3.  Eligibility for certain tenders
  4.  Ultimately “Creating and Keeping Customers” – the true purpose of a business.

More standards are being added to our capability list, depending on client demand. Contact us today, for a free quote or to arrange for an initial meeting.

The minimum requirement for Pacific Island suppliers of food, to be an approved supplier for large commercial buyers in New Zealand and Australia.

Increasingly, the pharmaceutical industry, using raw ingredients in their products such as kava, are requiring exporters to be HACCP certified.

Local accounts of well produced value added food products, not being able to be put on the shelves of supermarkets overseas, because of the lack of HACCP certification.

Quality Solutions has been successful in assisting Pacific Island food businesses attain HACCP certification, given its familiarity with local conditions in the region

With over 1 million organisations certified to this Management System Standard (MSS), it is the most popular and well known.

It has opened doors to Pacific Island businesses, that would not have been possible otherwise. A client in Tonga reported that since being certified, they have grown fourfold, even through the pandemic.


International aid donors recognized ISO9001, and hence placed orders to this client, resulting in it not only surviving, but thriving.

The benefits of being organically certified not only include financial, but also nutritional, social and environmental. More and more markets are seeking organic certification of its suppliers, because of the last three.

Hence, prices for organically certified products are typically higher than conventional (non-organic). This means a higher price for growers and suppliers.

Our consultants can assist with setting up grower group certification systems, as this is the most common challenge within the Pacific Islands. These include those in copra, cocoa and coffee grower groups. “

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